The weather in Auckland has been glorious this summer . If anything it has been too good with very little rain at all, and the hills are very brown. I am looking forward to a long, golden autumn.

This evening was perfect for jogging - not too hot, a very slight breeze, and a bright sun that seemed to hang above the hills casting burnished shadows across the city. I managed to make it to the top of the big Mt Wellington and take this photo before the sun dropped below the horizon. This is looking vaguely Nor-Northeast, the city centre is on the left edge (you can just see the Sky Tower), Rangitoto is centre-left. Point England and Half Moon Bay are on the right. On the extreme right side you can see the picturesque Panmure basin and the less picturesque Mt Wellington roundabout. The foreground is the Mt Wellington crater, which is pretty impressive but hard to take pictures of.