Spring has finally sprung in a big way in Boston and we have been trying to make the most of it. Here are a few random pictures from the last few weeks.

I am not sure why but this clipper has been moored at the pier near my office. It certainly makes a change from the normal ferries and water taxis that usually pull up there. Apparently it is here until sometime this week before it sails off to be tall and majestic somewhere else.

My clever wife has managed to get involved in her second world class scientific result in as many years. This one was some blurry picture and I got to meet the team at one of those swanky science parties you hear so much about. But who cares about that? Here is the Enterprise.

We live near a large wetland park and take frequent walks. This time of year is great for watching wildlife. This is (probably) a Black Rat Snake, the first I have seen in the wild. There are plenty of snakes in Massachusetts but (almost) none of them are venomous.

The wetlands are infested with these huge carp, which the rangers ineffectually try to keep out using barriers. There is a sign in the park explaining the governments position on the fish that asks visitors "not to assist the carp in any way". Today there was a group of carp trying to swim up a weir, the smaller ones could make it but the larger specimens like this one could only splash around ineffectively before getting tired. It was a little bit pathetic but, as a law abiding member of the public I could only look on, powerless to intervene.