After a magnificent summer the days are getting cooler, the leaves are turning and there is a definite autumnal feeling in the air. Perfect weather for long tours on our bikes.
We are blessed with an ever-increasing network of cyclable routes surrounding our house. The Bruce Freedman Rail Trail is now sort of openI don't know what is up with the locked gate at the Powder Mill Road tunnel - it doesn't seem to be a safety issue which opens up a huge region of the surrounding countryside.
Last weekend we went south - deep into Lincoln on a quest to find the mystical site marked on the map as Ponyhenge. I didn't know what to expect but I guess I shouldn't have been surprised.

The ponies are all in pretty good condition considering they are exposed to the elements. I can only assume that whatever demonic rites that are performed on the circle somehow sustains the plastic and metal. I shudder to think what sacrifices are made to the pony gods.
This article on Atlas Obscura doesn't really clear things up.

Aside from the weird ponies, Lincoln turns out to have a very nice sandwich shop.