When you don't create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than your ability. Your tastes only narrow & exclude people. So create.
I saw this on mastodon today. It is not often that a pithy sentence encapsulates my feelings on a subject so well. It was a thought like this that led me to start a blog in the first place.
I would go further and say that it is not the act of creation that is the most important factor, rather publication is the crucial step. By publication, I do not mean broadcasting it to the universe on the internet (although that does count) - even sharing you work with one other person will help the creation process.

Creating something for yourself, or for practice is fine. But only by creating something for consumption by others do you really start to think about what other people want. It is never a bad idea to attempt to understand how other people see you. This is true whether you are cooking a meal for a friend or writing a slightly smug blog post.
Quality is not really an issue, I have realized that in any field of endeavor there will be people better than myself. As a society we sometimes put the bar of creation too high, as if creation is an act only a select few can ever hope to achieve. This has never been true remotely true - you can probably name several recent pieces of art that you either disagree with or think you could do better. You are probably right.
Children create things all the time - it is only as adults that we seem to lose the inclination. Or perhaps it is just that the level of encouragement drops as we age. I wrote this mainly as a pep talk for myself but feel free to treat it as aimed at you if you feel the need for a little creative push.