It is good to see the team behind the pulpy orange juice ad are still hard at work.
Hack 1: So how should we sell this new cell phone from a company nobody has heard of? Apple and Samsung use their ads to showcase their key differences in a crowded market. Should we do likewise?
Hack 2: Naaw. Sounds like a lot of bother. Just pick a stock photo at random and paste in a tiny product photo in the corner so people can tell it is a phone.
Hack 1: Great idea. According to the brief, the client needs us to highlight their product's numerous outstanding features.
Hack 2: Hmmm, our copywriter is on maternity leave but I am sure we will be able to come up with something.
Hack 1: This is the best stock photo, it still looks a bit bland.
Hack 2: No problem, my cousin is a whiz with photoshop.
Hack 1: Sounds expensive, tell him we'll only pay for one hour of his time.
Hack 2: He is used to working fast. He was the guy who did Gollum for Lord of the Rings.